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The Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA) protects forests, parks, walking trails, and open spaces for future generations by connecting people to the land. CFPA directly involves individuals and families, educators, community leaders, and volunteers to enhance and defend Connecticut's rich natural heritage. CFPA is a private, nonprofit organization that relies on members and supporters to carry out its mission.
There is still a $30,000 gap in the funding available for the "Gateway to the New England Trail" boardwalk, kiosk, and observation platform project at Chittenden Park in Guilford. CFPA has received grants from the DECD, Guilford Foundation, and National Park Service, but still have significant funds to raise in the next year. CFPA's Board is working to improve its overall diversity. We have good geographic diversity, skills diversity, and a healthy mix of male/female Board members, but we lack in age diversity, ethnic diversity, and socioeconomic diversity. This is an important effort as we move forward with a goal of being a more representative statewide organization. CFPA would benefit greatly from a Volunteer & Events Coordinator. CFPA has over 200 volunteers who help with the Trails, and are contacted by many other potential volunteers, student groups, teachers, walk leaders, corporate groups, etc. who are able and willing to help, but due to inadequate staff resources we simply cannot fulfill many requests every year. This would help to expand the benefits of our work and enable program staff working with Trails, Education, Land Conservation, and WalkCT to deliver programs more effectively. Cost: $35,000/year. CFPA is about to launch into the printing of the 20th Edition of the Connecticut Walk Book, a collection of maps of the Blue-Blazed Hiking System. This is an enormous effort that CFPA is undertaking with an eye to the traditions of producing a book, and the new interest in online, digital media. We estimate that it will cost up to $150,000 for this project (editor, map production, printing, etc.). A smaller amount of funding (under $10,000) would assist our work with a professional to develop a mini-strategic plan or campaign for this large undertaking and allow us to test some alternative printed and electronic media.
Since CFPA has been conserving Connecticut since 1895, we have the advantage of pursuing goals and accomplishments that transcend many years. For example, CFPA has been maintaining the 825-mile-long blue-blazed hiking trail system with volunteers since 1929. The system's growth over time is an amazing accomplishment as well as a continuing goal. Our top priority Trails goal for 2013-14 is completing the "Gateway" to the New England Trail (one of 11 national scenic trails in the country) in Guilford running down to Chittenden Park on Long Island Sound. This would be the realization of a dream of connecting the New England Trail from Long Island Sound up to New Hampshire, and would coincide with the 375th anniversary celebration of the Town of Guilford. CFPA has been coordinating CT Trails Day activities in Connecticut every year since 1993 and last year, we featured more Trails Day events in Connecticut (203) than in any other state in the nation. This year, we anticipate over 230 events taking place during the first weekend in June and have a goal of at least one event in every town in the state (we should have events in 140+ out of 169 towns this year). CFPA has been training professional and informal educators how to deliver Project Learning Tree curricula in their classrooms since 1996. Our goal will continue to be reaching more educators (and by extension, more students) each year. Last year, approximately 55,000 students in Connecticut were reached through CFPA's efforts. CFPA is working to transform its headquarters into a model of energy efficiency with grounds that provide information on native/non-native plants, forest health, wetlands, and recreational trails. CFPA hosts meetings by over 60 individual organizations each year and is literally the place where conservation meets. CFPA has invested in energy efficient insulator windows and will look into solar and geothermal as potential sources of power for the building. This may be a longer-term goal, but we will keep working toward it until we reach our destination.
Areas Served |
CFPA is a statewide organization. For example, the Blue-Blazed hiking trail system is found in 88 towns. CFPA owns or holds an interest in properties on approximately 2,000 acres in various locations. CFPA's education, advocacy, and WalkCT programs have statewide impacts.
Since 1897, CFPA has provided Legislators with an 'Agenda for Connecticut's Land and People' every year. Published by CFPA, its ongoing priorities in recent years have included securing adequate funding for the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP, formerly DEP), supporting sustainable working forests and agricultural lands, and protecting compatible uses of hiking trails. CFPA's Conservation Agendae are available on the Organization's website, | |
Example of Program Success | -- |
CFPA supports content-rich education programs for K-12 teachers as well as naturalists, youth group leaders and other educators utilizing the multi-disciplinary Project Learning Tree curriculum. We reach today's youth through their teachers, scout leaders, youth group counselors and other educators. By providing the tools, we help them teach their students how to think, not what to think, about the environment. At the heart of our educational programs is our interpretive use of the 200-acre John R. Camp Outdoor Classroom and Demonstration Forest adjacent to our headquarters in Rockfall. CFPA also supports continuing education programs for private landowners (Coverts project) and forestry management professionals (Forestry Forums). The Goodwin Forest Conservation Education Center is managed jointly by the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) Division of Parks and the Connecticut Forest & Park Association. The Goodwin State Forest is managed by the DEEP Division of Forestry. The Center's mission is to provide forestry, wildlife and general conservation education to youth and adults. | |
Example of Program Success | -- |
The Blue-Blazed Hiking Trail System is one of CFPA's most visible and lasting contributions to outdoor recreation in Connecticut. CFPA's first Trails Committee, established in 1929, was a small group of visionary outdoorsmen who laid out plans for four initial sections of a statewide forest trail system (New Haven, Waterbury, Litchfield, and Hartford) to be built and maintained by an all-volunteer force. The Blue-Blazed Hiking Trail System currently totals over 825 miles of hiking trails in 88 Connecticut towns. The trails are maintained by dedicated volunteers who contribute approximately 15,000 hours to trail work every year. The structure for administering this massive effort consists of the Trails Committee, a full-time staff position (Trail Stewardship Director), and 100 volunteer Trail Managers. The trail volunteers are responsible for specific trails or for sections of the longer trails. They maintain the trails, schedule work parties, supervise other volunteers, and work with the landowners whose land the trails cross. The majority of the Blue-Blazed Hiking Trails are on private land and exist only through the good will and cooperation of the landowners. | |
Example of Program Success | -- |
Since 1895 CFPA has effectively facilitated the conservation of forests and the creation and preservation of hiking trails throughout Connecticut. When the organization began its work, Connecticut was 20% forested: today it is 60% forested. Since 1986, the direct acquisition of interests in land has become another way for CFPA to advance its forest conservation mission. Today, CFPA acts as a land trust, protecting over 2000 acres of working forests and trails through fee ownership and conservation restrictions. The Land Conservation program relies on volunteer Land Stewards acting as ambassadors of CFPA who convey an appreciation of the conserved land and act as friendly faces who can respond to general questions and direct landowners and neighbors to the appropriate staff member with complex questions. Land Stewards adopt a property, regularly monitor it (at least once a year), report their findings to CFPA, and occasionally engage in projects on their adopted property. | |
Example of Program Success | -- |
CEO First Name | CEO Last Name | CEO Email |
Eric | Hammerling | |
Number of Full-Time Staff | 9 |
Number of Part-Time Staff | 2 |
Number of Volunteers | 300 |
Number of Contract Staff | 1 |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Middle Eastern or North African |
Mixed |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
White |
Other |
Choose Not to Answer |
Hispanic or Latino/a/x |
Not Hispanic or Latino/a/x |
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Male |
Female |
I am: (Fill In Below) |
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Board Chair First Name | Board Chair Last Name | Board Chair Email Address | Board Chair Term Start Date | Board Chair Term End Date |
Rich | Croce | | November 1, 2019 | November 30, 2022 |
Board Member First Name | Board Member Last Name | Board Member Affiliation |
Current List of Board Members as of |
American Indian or Alaskan Native |
Asian |
Black or African American |
Middle Eastern or North African |
Mixed |
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |
Other |
White |
Choose Not to Answer |
Hispanic or Latino/a/x |
Not Hispanic or Latino/a/x |
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Male |
Female |
I am: (Fill In Below) |
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Additional Comments (Optional) |
Fiscal Year Start Date | Fiscal Year End Date | Projected Revenue | Projected Expenses |
January 1, 2017 | December 31, 2017 | $1,160,850 | $1,160,850 |
Fiscal Year | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |
Total Revenue | $1,061,916 | $1,692,105 | $1,167,576 |
Total Expenses | $1,243,008 | $1,570,951 | $1,373,269 |
2021 990 Tax Form |
2022 990 Tax Form |
2023 990 Tax Form |
2024 990 Tax Form |
Financial Statements |
Financial Documentation Year |
Financial Documentation Type |
Financial Statements |
Financial Documentation Year |
Financial Documentation Type |
Financial Statements |
Financial Documentation Year |
Financial Documentation Type |
Federal EIN Number | |
Organization's type of tax exempt status | |
Website | |
/CTForestandParkAssociation/ | |
CTwoodlands |
16 Meriden Road
Rockfall, CT 06481
Meaghan Strange
Phone: 8603468733
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